On this page are some tools to help you work out different things in the game UBOAT. If you have any feedback, find redknob on this Discord.
Steam guide with more information about this page.
Steam guide with instructions on how to perform the Four Bearings method to intercept contacts.
Please enter some values.
Please enter values for speed and duration.
Please enter both values.
Please enter both values.
Contact course is absolute, not relative bearing. Eg North = 0, South = 180. Bearing to Uboat is relative.
To arrive early, insert a slower Uboat speed than you intend to travel but use the same intercept angle.
Draw intercept line starting from target, then to Uboat, then to calculated angle. Adjust for direction of travel on inside angle.
Please enter all values.
Use the angle markers on the bottom of the periscope to measure the angular length of the ship.
You can use a stopwatch to time the duration of the ship to traverse its own length at the observed angle to determine its speed.
Please enter required values to determine AOB.
Please enter all values to determine speed.
Use the milliradian markers on the side of the periscope to measure the height of the masts from sea level to the top mast.
Please enter both values.
Please first enter all values for each target that requires a solution.
Enter 2 visual bearings of your target, the distance of the target at each bearing, and the elapsed time between bearings to estimate the target ship speed.
You can do it whilst remaining stationary, or you can do it while moving, but you must maintain a constant course to make the calculations work.
Please enter values for bearings, distances and time.